Derrek has lived in Atlanta since 1976. He is married to
Karen and has two children, Ashlyn and Ryan. A Graduate of Auburn University, 1986. Healthcare Administration and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. After graduation, Derrek worked
for 14 years in sales with HBO & Company (now McKesson ProviderTechnologies) and Healthcare Management Systems. In 1993, Derrek and Karen built their personal home from the ground up. It was a true passion. In 1999, Derrek decided to make his passion a career. He left the healthcare industry and joined a 4th generation family business. Since then he has been involved in the construction (residential and commercial) and realestate industry for the past 15 years, Derrek enjoys: golf, boating, and spending time with his family. Some of Derrek’s past charity affiliations include: PGA Tour Championship volunteer, Georgia Aquarium volunteer, Habitat for Humanity volunteer, Homes for Our Troops, and the City of Loganville Georgia.
Southern Concrete & Finishing Co., Inc.: was founded in July 2002
Owner: Derrek BeavorSouthern Concrete & Finishing Co., Inc. © 2013